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Sunday 9 May 2010

Are your website visitors leaving without buying?

Comparison of video resolutions.Image via Wikipedia

Are your website visitors leaving without buying?

Of course some of them are, if you had a 100%
conversion rate you probably wouldn't sit here
and read this email.

But what if you could easily double your
conversion rate. Get more sales from the same
amount of traffic - that would be sweet wouldn't

You see there's a reason why most sales letters
look the same. The basic formula of the long sales
letter works - however there is a problem...

You never really know at which point your sales
letter converts a prospect to a customer. How
often have you read a sales letter that you were
genuinely interested and then closed the page
before you got to the order button?

You really want to have your order button right
there in front of people - sticking out like a
soar thumb and ready to be clicked the instant
your prospect decides to buy. Of course that has
not been possible...

...Until John Merrick and Soren Jordansen created
the Floating Action Button.


A brand new technology that allows you to place
a few lines of code on your website, and have
your order buttons float around and blend in with
your sales letter.

But that's just one of the many uses for this
script - you can "float" just about anything on
your site, including video, audio, opt-in forms etc.

Visit the site to see the Floating Action Button
in action, and don't forget to watch the video.
I think you will be amazed by the many different
ways you can use this new technology.


Best regards,

shahbaz alexis

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Is your blog building your list?

A tag cloud with terms related to Web 2.Image via Wikipedia

Using your blogs to build an email list
is very powerful strategy. But are you
using your blog to it's full potential?

Most people just add their opt-in form
at the top of their blog's sidebar and
never pay attention to it again - sure
it will catch the odd new subscriber but...

Why are blogs so effective?

Because it's easy to get ranked in the
search engines and because you can get
a ton of targeted traffic from all the
new web 2.0 sites. But...

what happens when they get to your blog?

They start reading your post. If you
are lucky they will like it and read more
than one and maybe click on of you links.

But while that is going on they have long
since scrolled past that first opt-in form
and chances are they will never see it

Wouldn't in be far more effective if your
opt-in form would follow them. Float down
the page with them and be ready to grab
the new subscriber at the instant they
decide that they like your writing?

Of course it would and that's why John
Merrick and Soren Jordansen created the
Floating Action Button.


Check out the site, watch the video and
see all the cool things this brand new
technology can do for your blog.

Best regards,

shahbaz alexis

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